Every heard of Smacos? Or Smurritos? We hadn't until today when we went to The Outdoor Campus for their Family Try It Day. For free, families were offered the chance to try their hand at kayaking, canoeing, outdoor cooking, archery, fishing, and other outdoorsy activities.
The boys made their own Smacos - Smores meet Tacos - a tortilla spread with some combination of peanut butter, marshmallows, and chocolate, then wrapped in foil and thrown on the fire. Yum Yum.
Then they fished. Mainly Michael just poked his fishing pole at the seaweed-filled water at his feet, but we called it fishing.
Then, the kayaking/canoeing. Michael was too little to particpate in the boating, but David, though nervous at first, had a great time out on the water with his grandparents.
We might make these city boys into outdoorsmen yet!
Post-nap and after the USA lost to Ghana in the World Cup :( we had the time of our lives swimming in our apartment complex's pool with Mamo and Papo. David used swimmies for the first time and was overjoyed about being able to float on his own.
Right at the boys' bedtime, we got a crazy thunderstorm. Fortunately, the thunder wasn't too loud, but the sky was black and foreboding, the lightning was awesome, the rain was heavy, and the winds were insane. There seems to be lots of storms around here...
After the boys went to bed, I blew my chance to beat Mamo and Papo at Settlers of the Catan by being both ignorant of the rules and unwise. And worst of all, Brian won! Boooooooo!
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