Friday, June 11, 2010

Second-Rate Meterology

Ok, so I am about to facebook my cousin, Jim Cantore, well-known meteorologist of The Weather Channel fame. I need to know if there is something about Sioux Falls SD that makes it very hard to predict the weather here. I feel like it's always much warmer or cooler than they say it's gonna be, it doesn't rain when they say it will, and it rains when they say it won't. This sort of B Grade Meteorology is terribly inconvenient for a stay-at-home mom. Today they were calling for more than 50% chance of rain all morning. Ya, not a drop. We stayed home, partly because of the weather report and partly because David threw such a temper tantrum on the drive to the park that I literally needed to turn the car around and just go home. (BTW, the tantrum continued for 15 minutes after we got home, during which time he would periodically yell from his room, "Mom, can we PLEASE go to the park? What are you thinking Mom? What in the heck are you???) Then for the afternoon, I considered going out but then there were all these flash flood warnings and I got all freaked out so we stayed in again. Again, not a drop. What the heck, you crazy weather guys? What were you thinking? What in the heck are you????

We did get out of the house for a little while to grab pretty darn authentic Neopolitan pizza (who would have guessed that Sioux Falls would offer such a thing!) with Daddy-o (as the kids call him)

Don't let this rare homebound day fool you. We have a packed weekend planned and I PROMISE to take more pictures!

I started shopping around for David's future preschool today. Interesting choices...More on that to follow, I am sure.

1 comment:

  1. I wish you wouldn't exaggerate so about my grandson's alleged tantrums. They can't be that bad! He is such a sweetie!
