Thursday, April 28, 2011

Boy Talk

Last week David called his own grandmother both a "butt loaf" and a "stinky pot." Today, when his wet hand squeaked against the wall of the bathtub, he said it sounded like a "laser fart." Butt loaf???? Laser fart???? Do all boys intuitively know what exactly these things are???

Teach Your Children Well

The nice thing about having more than one kid is that sometime when you do the "work" once with the first kid, they take over and do the work for you on the second. For example, yesterday Brian and I overheard Michael and David reading a book together. David had chosen the word "INSECT" to try and teach Michael to read. "What does the 'I' say?" he asked his little brother. "Ih" says Michael. "Good! Now what does the 'N' say?" "Ennn," says Michael. And so on and so forth until they have sounded out the whole word, at which point David guides Michael in putting all of the sounds together to get INSECT. Nice work, David. I couldn't have done it better myself.


The kid who can't sit still long enough for anyone to get a single good photo of him will vigorously "attack" any puzzle that you put in front of him. My little Michael can knock out a 24 piece jigsaw puzzle in 3 minutes flat. I guess it's time to move on to the 100 piecers ;)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Young Love

Recently, David met the youngest sister in a family that we have known since our first month or two in Sioux Falls. Her name is Maryn and is she is 9 years old. We just had a brief encounter with her in church, but she talked to each of the boys. A few days later I told David that we were going to watch her oldest brother's team play baseball later that afternoon. "Is the whole family going to be there," David asked. "Yup," I said. "The sister?" he said. "Maryn, you mean?" I clarified. "Ya," he said. "Ya, she will be there." " I really like her," said David. "Me too," I said. "What do you like about her David?" He sighs. "Her face...her hair...her voice." "And she's really nice, too, right?" I suggest. "Ya, and there is something else that I am a little embarrassed to say," said David. "Well, it's up to you if you want to tell me, David. Either way, it is fine." "Well, why don't you guess Mom?" "OK. You think Maryn is pretty?" "No, that's not it. Do you want me to just tell you?" "Sure, David." "Well, I just keep thinking that maybe if I grow up really fast, maybe I can ask her to marry me."

How sweet can you be? :)

Star Wars

The other day, Michael was busily doodling a collection of oblong/circle/oval type shapes on a sheet of paper when Brian happenned past and complimented him on his artwork. "This one almost looks like a heart," said Brian. At which point, Michael gives him a look like he's from another galaxy and says, "That is not a heart, Dad. These are Star Wars good guys ships and they are shooting out lightsabers." At which point David exasperatedly explains that ships don't shoot lightsabers, they shoot lasers.

I guess these are the arguments that I will look forward to for the next umpteen years with 3 Star Wars experts in the house ;)