Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Big Cheese

Every so often, in this ever-changing world, we encounter something so timeless, so classic, so familiar, that it allows us to transcend the years and the miles that we have travelled and to feel right at home, no matter where we are. Chuck E Cheese is one such place. (The dramatics are not for real - I feel like I need to make that disclaimer since I have been known to be overly dramatic before ;)

The water got shut off in our building this morning, so I wanted to be out and about. The movers actually packed up all of the boys' coats by accident and it was only in the low 50s this morning, so instead of going to the park, like I originally wanted to, we ended up at Chuck E Cheese. At 9 am. Yep. The only ones there (except for some video game inspection guys) for a good 45 minutes or so. And by the way, if you ever are looking for a job in retirement, consider the video game inspection gig. These two middle aged guys, just played every video game in the joint and shot the you-know-what about trucks and steaks and stuff. And apparently, they get paid to do this. Anyway, David was thrilled and in disbelief that Sioux Falls actually had the same Chuck E Cheese as in Chicago. "How many Chuck E Cheese's are there?" he asked incredulously when I told him where were headed. Not enough, young David, not enough ;)

1 comment:

  1. Awesome!! Chuckie Cheese to yourself!!! I LOVE Sioux Falls even more now!
