Saturday, January 15, 2011

We've Got Spirit, Yes We Do!

Gotta love Michael Bear. At soccer, Michael is the youngest "player." He often isn't quite able to participate in the drills the way he is supposed to because of his age/personality/attention span. But he is an important and well-loved part of each soccer practice just the same. Beginning of practice. All the kids are gathered around their coach. Coach Leo asks, "Did you guys have fun last time at soccer practice?" No kids respond audibly...except for Michael, who yells, with gusto, "Yaaa!!!!!" "You guys ready to have some fun today?" asks Coach Leo. Again, only Michael is heard with his enthusiastic, "Yaaaaa!" "You want to play a game?" says Coach Leo. "Yaa!" yells my Michael. So on and so forth, you get the picture. Says Coach Leo, "I like this kid." Don't we all, Coach Leo, don't we all.

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