Monday, January 10, 2011

Going For It... Again

Again in 2011, for the 33rd year in a row, Mamo and Papo are in the running for the prestigious Best Parents Ever Award. They offered to drive back with us to South Dakota to help occupy the kids while Brian and I continued to unpack our new house. They drove on a parallel route - while we were on 90 from Chicago, they were on 80 from IN. They arrived in Sioux Falls about 30 minutes before us, ran to WalMart to buy a shovel, and shoveled out our driveway just in time for our arrival. With their tireless playing with the boys, we were able to get sooooo much done. Like I said, for the 33rd year in a row, Mamo and Papo are contenders ;) Thanks, guys!

It is RIDICULOUS how much stuff we have in our house; toys, books, kitchen accessories, toys, and have I mentioned TOYS???!!!! I truly believe that we have weeks and weeks of work in front of us...

That being said, we love our new place. We have 2 guest rooms, so start booking your trip to SD ;) And we have a whole basement full of toys. FULL of toys. FULL OF TOYS!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the nomination! Right back at you! You guys are the best too! We LOVE helping out and playing with your boys, our grandsons!
    And yes, world...they do have LOTS of toys!!!
