Friday, August 6, 2010

10 Freakin' Years

After a week of bizarre make-you-feel-old experiences in NY such as seeing my cousin, Joe, who I remember holding as a newborn baby all grown up now and slow-dancing with his girlfriend, seeing the teensy tiny flower girl (Kassie) and the ring bearer (Jordan) from my wedding as full blown teenagers, seeing all my childhood friends' kids, looking like spitting images of their parents as kids, we topped it all off by celebrating our 10 year anniversary on Thursday. 10 freakin' years??? WTF??? How did that happen....and so fast? ;) I still remember August 5, 2000 so vividly. I remember sitting alone in the limo after all the bridesmaids had filed into the church, watching the straggling friends and family rush to find a seat and thinking "OMG, this is it! I'm getting married!" I remember worrying that I was going to bawl all the way down the aisle and for the whole mass, but instead feeling so overjoyed that crying wasn't possible. I remember dancing the night away and feeling proud when the DJ said something to effect of, "I've been to a lot of weddings, folks, and I'm telling you, there is a lot of love in this room tonight." I remember dancing to "Don't Go There" for old times' sake. To Mambo #5. To Bye Bye Bye. To our first dance, Andrea Bocelli's Con te Partiro. Doing the Tarantella with the family. A million other songs. I remember Aunt Gina's speech, Pat's speech. Grandma's prayer. Mom's purple hair. Our very own choir composed of friends and family members. Gathering all the Domers for a group shot. And, I remember feeling sad when it was all over ;)
10 years, 1000 miles, and 2 beautiful boys later, we celebrated the anniversary of that day by going out for Neopolitan pizza as a family. Not the most romantic anniversary, but a happy one to be sure. Brian and I are planning a (kidless) long weekend trip to Santa Fe, NM in early October to celebrate our 10 years of wedded bliss. Love you, Briny Bear ;) Feels like I always have. Know that I always will...

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