Tuesday, February 28, 2012


David's preschool teacher conference (about 2 weeks ago) went really well. Ms Heather says that he long ago met all of his preschool benchmarks, so she has borrowed the kindergarten benchmarks from a friend and is starting to work with him on those things. She says he has good "number sense." I agreed and shared a story from just a few days before the conference when David randomly said to me, "Mom, I know what 3 rows of 4 is. Same as 6 rows of 2. It's 12." She says that she has recruited his help in teaching his classmates how to read. He has won "The Quite Game" on many occasion. Today, Ms Heather and Ms Trina invited him to bring his violin in to school to play a few tunes for his class.

Michael continues to be a character. The other day, he came out of his bed at night time. I had just come upstairs from a workout on the elliptical machine and I had peeled my sweaty socks off. I was sitting on the couch barefoot when he came out. First thing he says: "Mom, why do you have bare feet?" I explain myself. "Can you come to my room and cover me up?" "Sure, Michael." "Can you put your socks on first?" :) This kid HATES bare feet :)

About 3 weeeks ago, I came out front after showeing and getting dressed. Michael looks at me and says, "You don't look very pretty today, Mom." "That's OK," I say. "Pretty is not the most important thing to me." "You should feel bad about that, Mom."

He read his first word the other day. Guess what it was? Cat? Nope. Dog? Nope. Run? Nope. It was VEGETABLE. He read it off the bottle of vegetable oil. I encouraged him to sound out the first letter, V, which he did. Then I moved my finger under the E, and he made the 'eh' sound. Then he proceeded to say the rest of the word. He doesn't really know what vegetable oil is, so it's not like he was just identifying the item. However, since he has yet to read simpler words like Cat and Hat and Dog, it is probably just an isolated "lucky guess." But I am counting it :)

Elena is as sweet as ever. She is SUCH a good baby. She loves attention from her parents and her brothers (though Michael's attention can be a bit much for her at times." She is able to roll over both ways, though she doesn't do much rolling. She coos, but is relatively quiet. She goes to bed between 6 and 6:30 every night, and has been waking up once at 1 ish and once at 6ish. She liked swimming at Kalahari. Born to swim, literally :) We are now working on baby signs and getting her to sit up on her own. Doc says she can start rice cereal any day...

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