Friday, February 11, 2011

In the Land of Honah Lee

I usually offer David the option of hearing either a story or a lullabye before bed. Tonight, he requested "the song about a dragon and a boy." I had sang him Puff The Magic Dragon once before, or at least the parts that I could remember. So, I sang it again, knowing that again, I was leaving out parts in the middle. When I went back out front, I decided to look the lyrics up on the internet (I have linked you to them above...) to see what parts I had left out. My omission was the verse about Puff and Jackie's adventures together: travelling on a boat with billowed sails, pirate ships, noble kings and princes. I decided to go back in and sing David the rest. Just so he knew the whole story...I almost made it through but when I got to the very last line, I could feel myself getting choked up and started to laugh at myself. At first, David was trying to figure out what was so funny, but he quickly realized that his nut job of a mom was about to start crying. I could see his chin begin to tremble too. I tried to quickly explain that I was crying because it's like the song says: Dragons live forever but not so little boys. Little boys grow up, and you will grow up someday too, David. I can't hold back my tears. David's chin continues to tremble. So, I keep trying. When you grow up, I will be happy for you David. You will grow up and have your own family and be happy, and I will be so proud of you. But it's just hard for mommies when their kids grow up." "But when I grow up, maybe I will marry one of you guys, you or Dad." "Well, David, I'm already married to your Dad. I hope you marry somebody your own age, David. Somebody who you love very much." "I think I will marry Dad then." "But your Dad is already married to me." "Well maybe one of you can get double married." By the end of our conversation, we were both laughing. Until painted wings and giant strings make way for other toys, I am going to cherish every moment with my sweetie boy.

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