Wednesday, July 7, 2010


So, the kids are becoming Springsteen fans. It must just run in the blood. I mean I am sure it has nothing to do with the fact that they were watching full concerts by age 18 months. No wait - David "saw" a live show in utero! They have been requesting to hear Born in the USA (the song, not the album) over and over again on our car drives. When the intro comes on with the pounding drum beats Michael yells "Mighty Max!!!" David asks repeatedly if there is a way to adjust the car CD player to "repeat mode" so that he doesn't need to waste his time with any other tunes. Heck, David has even incorporated Bruce into his humor. Recent knock knock joke told by David: "Knock, knock." 'Who's there?" "Bornteen." 'Bornteen who?" "Born in the USA (sung)." Not funny, but hilarious. In the past 2 weeks David has asked me 1) Is Bruce a fairy tale? 2) Is Bruce a human? Hard to believe, son, but he is a mere mortal, yes.

Had a fabulous night out on the town with Brian tonight. Got dressed up and went to one of the finer dining establishments in our fair city and had a great time, chatting and eating.

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