Some highlights from March...
Trip to Minneapolis to visit the Engle Family
Always so much fun to see our dear friends. The kids have lots of fun together, as do the grown-ups. The took us to a super yummy brunch place, and we got to check out the Minneapolis Children's Museum!
David's Group Violin Recital at the "Big Stage" at Washington Pavilion
We learned a bit about performance etiquette. David seemed to experience a form of stage fright, and kept his head straight down for most of the performance. He also was plucking his own violin strings while other violinists were playing. But aside from those "rookie" faux pas, we were super proud of David. Though he is one of the youngest kids up there, he stands more in the middle of the pack when it comes to progression through the Suzuki curriculum.
St Patrick's Day
We attempted to hold the First Annual Sioux Falls South Side St Patrick's Day Parade. Though we invited tons of friends to participate, we didn't do so until March 16th so as you can imagine, our turnout wasn't so hot. In fact, in the end, it was David, Michael, me, Mamo, and Papo. Oh well. The kids had fun, and there is always next year ;)
Daddy's 34th Birthday
Happy Birthday, Old Man! Love ya like crazy ;)