3 days, 3 birthday celebrations. It's just that time of year in the Guarraci Family.
Saturday - We drove out to Chitown to surprise Mamma for her 60th birthday. Somehow (kudos to Laura, Brian, and the Bud Man) they pulled it off! They surprised the woman who doesn't get surprised, the woman who, as a child, never received a present for Christmas that she didn't already know she was getting ;) What a great party we had with friends and family.
Sunday - Mamo's birthday. Renis and Dominic cooked us up a delicious hot breakfast and we all hung out at the park to enjoy a beautiful morning together.
Monday - Finally, and the Grand Finale (for now!) - Michael Patrick turned 2 today!!!!
My little boy is getting so big. Kind of. I mean, he still weighs less than 24 pounds. But he can jump, and dance, and sing all kinds of songs, and talk to you like he was a big kid "Mama, may I please get down now?", and play trains with his brother, and recite the Our Father. He is a smart little beggar and cuter than all get-out. And he's full of attitude. There is that, too ;)
We had a great day together. After we dropped David off at school we went to HyVee for all of his favorite treats - suckers, doughnuts, etc so that by 10 am, he was pumped full of sugar up to his ears ;) I made him some of his favorite food for lunch - Ramen noodles, asparagus, and bananas with chocolate syrup. We played and played all day together - with the pegboard, with his trains, in the bath tub, outside in the blustery wind with cars and baseball bats, etc.
When Daddy got home, we had more of Michael's favorites for dinner - mac n cheese, hot dogs, yogurt, and applesauce. Then Michael opened his presents. By far, his favorite gift was the Sodor Clock Tower, a Thomas the Train accessory, from his big brother David.
Finally, we sang the birthday song and Michael blew out the candles on his homemade forsted and sprinkled chocolate chip muffin/cupcakes (courtesy of his big brother, the pastry chef).
For the first time in a long time, Michael gave us a hard time at bedtime. Guess this was one of those days....so good you don't want it to end.
Happy Birthday, Michael. We love you like crazy, today and forever. May the rest of your childhood be as happy, healthy, and blessed as these first two years have been.