Thursday, December 16, 2010

Turkey Day with Mamma and Pappa

Mamma and Pappa made the long trip to Sioux Falls to be with us on Thanksgiving Day. We promised ourselves that we wouldn't "over-do" the meal since we were celebrating with the smallest group in recent memory. But alas, we had leftovers galore. Not necessarily a bad thing. Especially when some of the leftovers are Mamma's family recipe for meat stuffing. Yum. The one thing we did right was keep dessert to one simple and favorite choice: brownies ;)

We also attended the Sioux Falls Holiday Parade. The boys generally loved it, although David was scared of the hot air balloon carts that would ride by occasionally and blast the crowd with much-appreciated hot air.

Thanks for making the trip Mamma and Pappa. It was great to hang out with you for a few days!

Passing Through

Well, sort of. Aunt Gina decided to accompany "her little friend MJ," as David called her, from Portland to Sioux Falls as MJ continued on to Philly, where she is moving. Aunt Gina stayed with us for a few days after MJ left and what a great time we had! Chuck E Cheese, Harry Potter, and general raucous play in our living room. We miss you and love you Aunt Gina - thanks for visiting us!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Good Things Come To Those Who Wait

On November 19, after weeks and weeks of doing chores/daily tasks to earn stickers to in turn earn dollars, David finally saved up enough money to buy the toy of his dreams!!! This toy plays about 20 familiar kid's songs in about 6 different music styles (rock, hip hop, reggae, jazz, etc) and with about a dozen different musical instruments (trumpet, flute, violin, etc.) David can control the volume and the tempo. He can add special effects to his songs (like an "Ow!" or a wailing guitar). And he can record his own songs. Last but not least, it comes with a working microphone. He has been learning and teaching himself songs including "O Christmas Tree" and "Oh When The Saints." Rock on, Young David!!!!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Michael Cracks Me Up

That is Michael's newest phrase. He will laugh like crazy and say, "I am cracking up!"

He also has been getting out of his bed about 15 times before nap and bedtime. Last night, he would come running out of his room every time with a sheet-eating grin on his face and say to Brian and I: "Look what I did, guys!!!" And I have no recourse. Nothing that I can hold over him to make him stay in bed. So, I just put him back in, over and over again and hope that I outlast him. And that I don't wring his little cute neck. One time, Brian caught him over at David's bed, hitting David over the head. Amazingly, David slept through all of this...

So, last week, we were out playing at a park with some friends. Michael picked up a twig from the ground and poked his friend, Sam, in the face. I was obviously upset, and made a big deal out of making Michael drop the stick and apologize, etc. Sam cried and cried. Later that evening, Michael kept saying: "What did I do to Sam?" "You poked him Michael." "I hurt Sam." "Yes, you did. And what did Sam do?" "He cried." "Yes, he did." Michael says, "That was annoying."

Next morning, Michael tells me "Crying is funny." "Crying is funny to you Michael?" "Yes." "Well, it is not funny to the person who is crying. When somebody is crying, they are sad." "That is annoying," he says. "David is annoying," he continues. "Daddy is annoying, Mamma is annoying, Pappa is annoying." At some point during his "List of Annoying People," Daddy peeks his head out of the bedroom. When Michael sees Brian, he stops listing "annoying people" and says, "I mean...Daddy is not annoying." Little two-faced stinker totally reneged. ;)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

My Artists

Michael has been really into art play recently. He can sit for 20-30 minutes with Play-Doh or Silly Putty. He LOVES to paint and color. He is very engaged and meticulous when he works on his masterpieces. And so different from David. We used to give David a crayon and he would make a few marks and be done. Michael wants more than one crayon, and he (over)fills the page with broad sweeps or loops of the crayon or paintbrush.

David's school artwork is on display at the Visual Arts Center here in Sioux Falls for the next few weeks. So exciting to see his name and artwork so prominently displayed!

And both boys have completed the first of a 3 part art course - Michael's is called Toddler Movement, and David's is Arty Smarty. They will finish them up over the next two Saturday mornings...

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Bathtime Banter

It's nice to know that even when engaged in fierce squirt gun battles with your brother while bathing that you can still kiss and make up when all is said and done ;) Love these two little rascals.

Everything But The Kitchen Sink

This is where David and I "found" Michael this morning...

Zoo Boo

The world-renowned Great Plains Zoo here in Sioux Falls, SD sponsors an annual Halloween event called Zoo Boo. Basically, they line the zoo sidewalks with jack o'lanterns, decorate the rest of the zoo, and let all the predatory beasts out of their cages while the kids walk around in the dark. OK, so not all of what I have written here is entirely true...

The kids loved the event and were thrilled to begin their candy-getting adventures for the year. Most kids just ran from station to station to get their candy as quickly as possible. But, I am proud to say that despite his sugar-crazed excitement about the treats, my Michael still found time for the animals, occasionally shouting out a particular greeting: "Hello, Guanacos!" "Where are you, Wallaby?"

Let the Freaky Festivities Begin!

Ah, yes. Halloween week. Looking for every excuse possible for the kids to wear their costumes so that I feel that I have not completely wasted the $40 I spent on them.

The boys "designed" and Brian carved our Jack O'Lantern this year.

We also had a great time rocking out to Eric Clapton and Bruce Springsteen with some of Daddy's costume accessories (he plans to be an 80's Rocker).

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Trade-Off

For those of you who are sensitive to the potty stories that so many parents like to tell, please spare yourself and stop reading right now...

David calls me into the bathroom today to show me his gigantic poop. I'm talking alarming. After he shows off his prize poop, he asks to me leave and give him privacy while he cleans himself up. He comes out many minutes later to show off his clean butt. "Wow, David, you really did a good job wiping!" "Ya, Mom. Wanna know how I did it?" "Yes, I do." "I used the whole roll of toilet paper!" When I go in there, the stack of toilet paper in the potty is literally as tall as the seat.

I'll save all of you the gory details, but let's suffice it to say that our toilet is clean and empty and all is well ;)

That's the trade-off for you: Clean kiddie butt. But reams of toilet paper in the potty ;)

And you are not allowed to tell me how gross and inappropriate this post is because I warned you.

Monday, October 25, 2010

The Red Balloon

The other day at the library, I came across a movie that I remembered from my childhood, The Red Balloon, a mostly silent film made in the 1950s in France. Borrowed it for David and Michael, and let me say: they were entranced! Now, they go around saying "Balon, balon" in their little French accents. Here they are, surrounded by their cushions (or pushions as Michael calls them) and riveted to the screen...(Sorry, I haven't yet figured out how to correct the red-eye on my Mac!)

Maniacs on The Floor

I took the boys to an open gym at a gymastics facility. When they entered that huge open room, they thought they died and gone to heaven. The facility plays hilarious music like 'Walk Like An Egyptian" and "Time Warp" so that added to the fun...

Maeve Marie

As if it wasn't enough to be able to see out-of-state college friends, be at Liz's baby shower, and eat at CBA all in one weekend, I also got to hold Maeve Marie Levar when she was just 4 days old! What a cutie! And then to top things off, I got to see my good friend Julie just two days before she gave birth to the also adorable Ellery Austen Kavanaugh.

One Month, Two Surprises

First, we got to surprise Mamma for her 60th birthday. Now, I got to plan a surprise baby shower for Liz and Chris! Many of our college buddies were in town for Notre Dame vs Western Michigan, so people who might not have been able to join us for the shower were able to be a part of the festivities. We had great fun, and for the most part, Liz was surprised. I didn't get many pictures of the shower, but here are two anyway: The first is us trying to hide behind our menus as Liz entered the building, and the second of Liz first walking into the room. I promise to make up for this lack of pictures at Christmastime when I take a million pictures of my new godson!

A Visit from "The Chicago Guarracis"

Thanks Mamma, Pappa, Aunt Laura, Anthony, and Jeremy for making the LOOONG trip out to Sioux Falls to visit with us for Columbus Day weekend!!!

We had beautiful weather, and great fun together. We got to show them Falls Park and downtown Sioux Falls (with the highlight being the old-fashioned candy store - I think Mamma and Pappa might have bought more than the kids!). We also had some fun times zipping around Sertoma Park on both foot and on Plasmamobile. Last but not least, we had yet another birthday party for the boys (I think the grand total was 5 parties, sweet Lord!!!!!)

Sunday, October 24, 2010

An Apple A Day

How about a million apples in one day??? Mamo and Papo joined us at the Apple Orchard on 9/30. What fun we had - visiting farm animals in the petting zoo, hiding in the hay bales, taking a wagon ride, picking apples, and listening to a brief educational apple demo. At David's request, we ended up buying this really cool apple peeler and slicer. Now if we could only get it work as well as the woman who demonstrates it at the orchard...

Lucky Ladybugs

David's preschool class took a field trip to Sioux Falls' Outdoor Campus where they learned about ladybugs. Michael and I tagged along and had as much fun as the preschool kids. We saw a puppet show, made ladybug snacks, played a few ladybug games, and learned soo much! One thing we learned about ladybugs is that they eat aphids and birds eat them. When they see a bird coming, they lay on their back for camouflage. Here's David pretending that he is the ladybug and that he has spotted a bird overhead...

Happy Birthday David!

My biggest boy - 4 years old!! He had a great day with his favorite foods to eat, presents, and chocolate chip muffins. He also made good on a promise that he made me almost a year ago: That he would go poo poo on the potty when he turned 4. (Prior to this day, he insisted on going in his diaper. When I would ask him about it, he would quickly get irritated and say that he would poop on the potty when he was 80 years old. When I explained to him 1) that he would actually probably be BACK in diapers by then and 2) that they don't make diapers for 4 year olds, he agreed that he would poop in the potty on his 4th birthday and not a day sooner.) Well, he did it. I have pictures, but I will spare you the details ;)

All poop talk aside, we are very proud of the young man that David is becoming. He is a kind and loving brother, a sweet son, an eager learner, and a funny and fun kid to be around. Some of his latest "tricks": He is reading and doing simple addition and subtraction, he can play Twinkle Twinkle and a new song called Lightly Row on his violin, he gets dressed and brushes his teeth all by himself, he is developing his skills as a basketball player, a golfer, a swimmer, a dancing machine, an expert bug-cather, and a Wii player.

He is pictured here with his two favorite toys from the day: His bug catcher and his Plasmamobile.

Happy Birthday, David Joseph! We love you like crazy.

A Future Nerd

With Brian and I as his parents, David is destined to be what we call "a HUGE nerd." In late September, David proved to me that he would not be one of those rare kids that escapes becoming like his parents. David was ecstatic that first day that his preschool teacher sent him home with "homework." Homework is a box or bag of activities (books, puzzles, games, etc) that center around a particular theme. This first activity box focused on lacing. He was so proud of his tasks, and especially loved writing with the dry erase marker. He has since brought home boxes on the family theme and currently is working on one with the space theme. My little nerd!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

We'll Open Up A Restaurant in Santa Fe...

To celebrate our 10th year of wedded bliss, Brian and I decided to move our petty arguments, recycled fights, and antagonistic banter "Out West," to New Mexico. Mamo and Papo stayed with the kids while we vacationed.

Something we never knew we would miss about Chicago was Midway Airport. If we lived in Chicago, we would have jumped on a direct Southwest flight from Midway to Albuquerque for less than $300 round trip with lots of choices for arrival and departure times. And less than 5 hours after we left our home, we would have been starting our vacation. But when you live in Sioux Falls, SD, things are a bit different. First, you confirm that the flights from Sioux Falls to Albuquerque are outrageously priced. Then you decide to fly out of Omaha, NE, a drive that should be about 2 hours from Sioux Falls, but that ends up being more like 3 hours because of the miles of highway that are reduced to one lane due to construction. Then you fly to some not-quite-on-the-way city like Houston or Denver. You change planes. Then you get to Albuquerque. Then you drive (at 80 miles an hour because that's the speed limit round them parts) to Santa Fe. And so finally, about an hour after you would have got to Santa Fe had you DRIVEN from Sioux Falls, you arrive at your destination. And even though it sounds like I am complaining, I am not. Well, maybe I am. But I will say that the silver lining was that, without kids, I find that I actually enjoy plane rides. A chance for a nap, or to read my book - these are things that I rarely allow myself to do on the ground.

We stayed at the Hotel St Francis, a beautiful and simply decorated historic hotel. We arose early in the morning on Saturday to catch the Mass Ascension of the first day of the annual International Balloon Fiesta. Never heard of it? Well neither had we until my mom's cousin, a NM native, enlightened us. (Shout out to Annie, who gave us so many helpful tips. And while I'm at it, shout out to Andy, Darren and John, and David, all of whom were super helpful as well! Thanks for sharing your Santa Fe expertise and helping us make our trip so memorable.) Balloon Fiesta involves a cazillion balloon related events, but what we got to see was the launch of hundreds of hot air balloons into the clear blue morning sky over Albuquerque. It was spectacular and worth the 5:10 am wake-up call. Michael Patrick worked for months to prepare me for that moment ;) Even the standard balloons are beautiful, with all of their beautiful bold colors and designs. But imagine a balloon shaped like a Gremlin, or a Pepsi bottle, or a Jack-in-the-box, or a carousel, or a fish, or a stork delivering a baby. All up in the sky at the same time. With a couple hundred other balloons up there with them. Sooooo cool. Pictures can't do it justice, but I have posted some anyway.

After enjoying the spectacle in the sky, we headed off for "second breakfast" at the Chocolate Maven, this spectacular bakery located in a warehouse, just behind the vacuum repair shop, right where most great bakeries can be found. Brian got a humongous chocolate croissant, and me, I got a humongous green chile-cheddar croissant. And we couldn't have been happier. Delish. And we took a brownie for the road. Where were we headed? To the next food establishment: Bobcat Bite. You may have read about it. Some experts say that their Green Chile Cheeseburger is the best burger in America. Problem is, size of the burger is in indirect proportion to the size of the joint. Meaning to say that the place only seats about 20 people. Translation: long lines for big delicious burgers. So we got there just after 10:30 am to be the first ones in when the doors opened at 11 am. The burgers were mighty good. And so big that I truly felt like I would puke if I finished it. You might assume that I probably didn't finish it. But you would be wrong. Thankfully, I, too, was wrong and did not puke ;)

From Bobcat Bite, we headed up to the 10,000 foot Santa Fe Ski Hill to take in the fall foliage. These aspen-covered mountains were like nothing my eyes have ever seen. So breathtaking, so brilliant. Again, pictures can't do this experience justice, but that didn't stop us from taking about 80 of them. Thank God for digital cameras ;)

Sante Fe is home to the oldest Catholic Church in the country, St Francis. We attended mass there on Sunday with quite a diverse mix of people with respect to age, ethnicity, place of residence, and sexual orientation (I guess I don't know this last part for sure but even those of us with less-than-expert gaydar picked up on some of these folks ;). More interesting than St Francis was the Loretto Chapel. Legend has it that when the chapel was built, the design was poor, and at the last minute, the builders realized that they had no way to connect the choir loft with the main body of the chapel. The space was too small for a traditional staircase, so the nuns decided to pray to St Joseph for help. A few months later, a stranger shows up at the door with nothing but a hammer, a saw, and a carpenter's square. He offers to build a spiral staircase for the chapel and proceeds to work on it, by himself, for the next six months. When he finished, he left without payment or a goodbye and was never heard from again. The staircase is beautiful at the aesthetic level, but miraculous in its architecture. It does 2 full 360 degree turns yet has no nails, and no center or side support. Modern experts say that a staircase like this should never have been possible, and even if it were possible to build that it should break the moment that a person set foot upon it. And yet, this staircase was used daily for almost 100 years. Architects and engineers say that it is only the perfection of its construction that allows it to defy the laws of physics. Some people say that it was St Joseph himself who built the staircase. After the lone carpenter left, the head nun went to the lumberyard to attempt to at least pay for the wood used. The lumbermen claimed not to have given wood to any such carpenter. In fact, experts say that they don't know where the wood in the staircase is from. All they know is that it is NOT from New Mexico.

Also on Sunday, we visited Canyon Road, an area that boasts dozens of fine art galleries. Too bd we don't yet have a house in which to put any art ;) Brian moved us efficiently through the galleries and tired us out so that we could chow down (yet again) on dinner.

When all was said and done, we had a fabulous time in Santa Fe - great history, great art, great weather, great food, and the best company that a girl could ask for.

Thanks Mamo and Papo for babysitting and making this trip possible!

Between Computers

So, let's just say that I am "between computers." My old one, the one that made me want throw it to the floor and pound on it repeatedly with a baseball bat, is pretty much on the fritz. Problem is, I still have some of my videos and pictures on it. My new computer, a Mac, is up and running, but I'm still learning the ropes. Point is, I think I am going to need to skip some parts of late September and jump right to October, which is when I started using the new computer. Hopefully, I will be able to "flashback" sometime and include late September...Until then, here I go with my Mac ;)

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Make New Friends, But Keep The Old

One is silver, and the other's gold ;)

Spent the weekend with some of our "golden" friends, the Engles, friends from Notre Dame. They moved from Manhattan to Minneapolis around the same time that we moved from Chicago to Sioux Falls. We took turns doing grown-up field trips (mani-pedis, rounds of golf), letting the kiddies get acquainted and play, commiserating over the Irish football season, and swapping "transition" stories.

As a bonus, we were able to travel about 45 minutes away from the Engle's house to visit with another ND friend, Colton, and his family at his sister's house. It felt like a regular reunion!!!

Our hope is that this will be the first of many visits between us and the Engles...

Best Bug-Catching Team in the West

David and Michael wasted no time at all using their birthday gifts from their good friends, Cole and Elena: a butterfly net, a bug house and a magnifying glass. On our first expedition, we caught several grasshoppers of all different shapes and sizes as well as a moth and a ladybug. And that without even leaving our backyard! Michael's role, being that he is so close to the ground and all, is bug-spotter. David's role is bug-trapper. And me, I am the transfer lady - from the wild to the net, from the net to our bug house. What a team!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

What a Party!

The boys had a FABULOUS time at their birthday party! Mainly, they just ran around the room, playing with friends. We had pizza, salad, fruit, and cake. We all participated in a group art project that may soon adorn David and Michael's wall. We played a bean bag toss game. And of course, there was cake, balloons, presents, and goody bags. They were so excited and had so much fun. Cute, cute, cute.

The Boys' Birthday Party

Bug Watching

We took an opportunity to enjoy a beautiful September day (reminded me of the days on which David and Michael were born) and to head up to Arrowhead Park. We had great fun watching the geese, exploring the hiking trails, discovering all sorts of critters including beetles, grasshoppers the size of Snickers bars, caterpillars, and spiders, and making musical instruments and conductor's batons out of pieces of dried prairie grass.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Birthday Bonanza

3 days, 3 birthday celebrations. It's just that time of year in the Guarraci Family.

Saturday - We drove out to Chitown to surprise Mamma for her 60th birthday. Somehow (kudos to Laura, Brian, and the Bud Man) they pulled it off! They surprised the woman who doesn't get surprised, the woman who, as a child, never received a present for Christmas that she didn't already know she was getting ;) What a great party we had with friends and family.

Sunday - Mamo's birthday. Renis and Dominic cooked us up a delicious hot breakfast and we all hung out at the park to enjoy a beautiful morning together.

Monday - Finally, and the Grand Finale (for now!) - Michael Patrick turned 2 today!!!!

My little boy is getting so big. Kind of. I mean, he still weighs less than 24 pounds. But he can jump, and dance, and sing all kinds of songs, and talk to you like he was a big kid "Mama, may I please get down now?", and play trains with his brother, and recite the Our Father. He is a smart little beggar and cuter than all get-out. And he's full of attitude. There is that, too ;)

We had a great day together. After we dropped David off at school we went to HyVee for all of his favorite treats - suckers, doughnuts, etc so that by 10 am, he was pumped full of sugar up to his ears ;) I made him some of his favorite food for lunch - Ramen noodles, asparagus, and bananas with chocolate syrup. We played and played all day together - with the pegboard, with his trains, in the bath tub, outside in the blustery wind with cars and baseball bats, etc.

When Daddy got home, we had more of Michael's favorites for dinner - mac n cheese, hot dogs, yogurt, and applesauce. Then Michael opened his presents. By far, his favorite gift was the Sodor Clock Tower, a Thomas the Train accessory, from his big brother David.

Finally, we sang the birthday song and Michael blew out the candles on his homemade forsted and sprinkled chocolate chip muffin/cupcakes (courtesy of his big brother, the pastry chef).

For the first time in a long time, Michael gave us a hard time at bedtime. Guess this was one of those good you don't want it to end.

Happy Birthday, Michael. We love you like crazy, today and forever. May the rest of your childhood be as happy, healthy, and blessed as these first two years have been.

Friday, September 17, 2010


Well, we have a new pet. Shake-It, the tadpole. David and Michael are both very excited about him. Follow his transformation on his very own FROG BLOG:

Another Baby!

Yes, we are having another baby boy. But this time I will neither carry him nor deliver him. My good friend Liz is doing that part! We are going to be godparents (again! Shout out to Anthony!)!!! We are soooo honored and excited. This is the first picture of us and our godson. Hey there, Tiger - we loved you before you were born ;)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Labor Day Weekend

What fun we had!

The road trip to Chicago went more smoothly than last time. Having the video screen allowed us to keep the boys occupied for most of the trip and even provided Brian and I the rare opportunity to have a conversation while the kids were awake. Yes, a REAL conversation. Praise Jesus. Hallelujah.

However, we still found that the first half of our trip took soooo long (e.g., "Are we almost to Chicago, Mom?" Glance down at the odometer and see that we have travelled 77 miles. "Nope." You know the rest...) Also, the grown-ups kept needing to stop to eat, pee, and switch drivers. It's so annoying having to travel long distances with two adults ;)

Finally, we have yet to perfect the art of letting them watch enough TV to entertain them, but not so much that they miss the window in which they can most easily fall asleep. So, Michael had a ROUGH time falling asleep (which means that we ALL had a rough time.) Oh well. You live. You drive 560 miles with 2 kids. You learn.

On Friday morning and into the afternoon, we had the pleasure of visiting with the Levars and with Mamma and Pappa.

Then, Mamo and Papo came to pick the boys up and bring them to Notre Dame for home opening weekend. The boys had the time of their lives watching the players parade by, listening to the band, and tackling Papo on the quad.

Meanwhile, back in Chitown, Brian is back at Sidley catching up with friends and I am out on the town celebrating Andrea's last few days as a bachelorette! So much fun...

Saturday morning, we had the special treat of catching up with our dear friends, Melissa and Paul, who just happenned to be back in the Windy City (they now live in DC) visiting friends. Then coffee with Darren.

And then the wedding festivities begin. Rehearsal. Rehearsal luncheon. Dinner and ND game watch (GO IRISH!) with friends. And finally, last night out with the bride and groom-to-be.

Sunday morning we got to see Aunt Laura, Uncle Steve, and the boys before the wedding hair and make-up, etc.

And then the wedding. I have to be honest - I was a bit worried about the day. At about 11 am, the hair stylist was finishing up Andrea's "do." I think she was starting to feel rushed for time (she had to get over to do another bride's hair before she came back to do mine) and she accidentally dropped her mirror on the bathroom floor. "Don't you dare break a mirror in here today," I joked/warned. We all laughed. Until she walked out of the room, stepped on the mirror and cracked it a million ways. Andrea's mother (aka Mare-Dawg) and I looked at each other in shocked disbelief. Andrea said nothing until the stylist left and then pointed to the shattered mirror and firmly commanded: "Maria, get that thing out of here." Sir, yes sir.

But my worries were all unfounded. Even a broken mirror couldn't mess up this day. Andrea looked liked a true principessa. Gorgeous dress and jewelry that she had specially designed for her big day. Beautiful, thoughtful ceremony. Scrumptious Chicago menu of Lou's deep dish, Italian beef, Vienna dogs, and a scrumptious array of cupcakes. Not to mention the favors - a piece of chocolate-dipped bacon for each and every guest. Gotta love that Kavoosi girl ;)

We had a great time dancing and visiting with friends. And watching Andrea be so happy with her lover boy.

On Sunday, we had breakfast with Fr. Rog and then headed on back home.

Overall, the weekend was emotional for me. Not sure if it's because we were back in Chicago seeing so many old friends. Or if it was because it was a wedding weekend, and not just any one - the wedding of one of my dearest friends. That's always emotional. Or because I have been feeling old lately. Andrea is the last of our bunch to get married. I have to ask myself, "What am I now? Middle-aged? All of my friends are married..." On a related note, I worry about when I will see everybody again. Without weddings to bring us together, when will we catch up?? All of this leads up to one thing and one thing only........GIRLS' VACATION!!!! I'm sure I will fantasize about planning it and then let life get in the way, as it tends to do...

Monday, August 30, 2010

The Fabled First Day of School

Today was the day - David's first day of preschool at the Graham Academy! He woke up with some seasonal allergy symptoms: runny nose, watery puffy eyes, etc. On the way to school he had an allergy-related eye-watering episode that he connected to the significance of the day: "Mom, I feel so happy, I am crying." I can only hope that the first day of school always inspires such positive emotion ;)

He did great with the separation, reports that he played with a parachute, the kitchen, and the computers. He hasn't yet been assigned any special jobs like "door-holder," but he is excited about his chance to do that. He had gummy rabbits and soy milk for snack and informs me, "I don't like soy milk very much." Nobody does, David. The only people who drink it are the people that have to ;) He has one friend, Cole, that he knew before school started. (Cole's Dad is an ND grad, too.) He also mentioned 2 more "new friends," Samantha and Sonia. It was a great start to what I expect will be a great year. Congrats, David!

As expected, Michael had a harder time than David this morning. He wanted to stay at David's school with his big brother. See the above pic of their goodbye hug this morning. Sweet brotherly love...

Wild Weekend of Sports

Beautiful weekend in Sioux Falls. We took full advantage by taking the kids to the season opener of the O'Gorman Knights football team on Saturday night (O'Gorman is the Catholic High School here.). The kids had a great time munching on treats from the concession stand, watching the game, the cheerleaders, and the band. There was a very strong "community" feel at the game. It just felt like everybody knew everybody and that it was just one big neighborhood out to watch their boys play ball. Very "Hoosiers."

On Sunday, we took the boys to a Sioux Falls Pheasants baseball game. The boys ran around like monkeys, learned about the game from their Daddy, enjoyed the ridiculous mascot competitions, joined in the traditional cheers, and made friends with some 65-year old season ticket owners. Such a nice way to spend a summer evening. Makes you feel so....American ;)